Client: Hartlepool Borough Council
Location: Various locations across Hartlepool
Working on behalf of Hartlepool Borough Council to provide an inspection service over several months to cover for staff shortages within the Council’s inspection team.
Lynas Engineers used their highway inspection, design and traffic management experience to undertake asset condition inspects across the whole of Hartlepool focusing on carriageway and footways defects.
Lynas Engineers had the responsibility of identifying urgent / high priority defects that could pose a danger to the public; the Council needed to take emergency action on these defects within 24hrs of the defect being raised. The exercise also identified more minor defects that could potentially create ongoing maintenance liabilities for the Council. The project accelerated the Council’s programmed schedule of inspections and ensured that the specified number of sites were inspected to meet the authority’s statutory obligations.
Undertaking inspections in a public space interacting with members of the public during tasks.
Prioritisation of defects based on severity.
Keeping the disruption to a minimum.
All sites inspected and marked up on time and to Hartlepool Borough Council’s satisfaction.
All urgent / emergency defects were reported as soon as possible to support the councils KPI of responding within a 24hr window.
Lynas Engineers staff were trained on the use of the Council’s defect reporting software system and worked closely with the HBC inspection team throughout the assignment.