Client: Darlington Borough Council
Location: Ingenium Parc, Darlington

Project Summary:
Lynas Engineers was instructed by the local authority, Darlington Borough Council (DBC) to deliver detailed design of a surface water and foul drainage system; including all necessary drainage outfalls and attenuation features to service the second phase of a 40ha development site. The proposed plots will be a mixture of category B1 and B2 industrial.
Working in collaboration with DBC, the Lynas Engineers team was able to design two retention basin options and a swale, with an associated surface water drainage network up to a critical 1in100 year storm and +40% Climate Change allowance. The addition of the basin and swales provided both surface water attenuation and important Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features. Managing the projected climate change allowances will help safeguard the site for the future, using contemporary intelligence, ultimately giving the site greater longevity.
There were several challenges throughout the project that the team overcame. These included the requirement to balance over 32,000m3 of excavated material across the site, facilitating local supply chain to remove and recycle whilst maintaining the integrity of the project and location.
Ingenium Parc will run adjacent to a local nature reserve, so ensuring the site’s suitability and safeguarding the ecology of the area was at the forefront of the Lynas Engineers team’s minds. Our team was proud to work on this project, ultimately creating a full drainage design package including calculations and construction drawings and a 3D basin carefully sized to fit an area surrounded by numerous site constraints and the existing site boundary.

Balancing levels on the site reduce potentially high waste removal from site.
Providing measures to safeguard the site from future environmental issues due to the development.
Creating a 3D basin to fit within the corners of the site boundary,
Delivering to tightly constrained planning conditions and timescales.
Stakeholders were engaged and happy with the results provided.