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Client: Middlesbrough Council
Location: Land at Stainsby Grange, Acklam, Middlesbrough

Lynas Engineers was appointed to provide highway and drainage design services to Middlesbrough Council.  The land at Stainsby Grange had been identified for residential development with Middlesbrough Council providing the highway infrastructure to open up the various developable plots within the site. 

The proposed scheme included a 2km link connecting existing roads to the north and south of the site; at the northern end the existing 3 arm roundabout was to be upgraded to a 4 arm partially signalised roundabout.  Improved NMU facilities were included within the scheme, including toucan crossings. 

The surface water drainage design incorporated SuDS solutions including basins and swales to attenuate the flows into existing watercourses.  The new link road crosses an existing beck; as part of the project, a culvert was designed to accommodate a 1 in 1000-year storm and the beck re-aligned and re-profiled to ensure that the scheme did not impact on the capacity of the watercourse.

Due to the large size of the site, Lynas Engineers arranged for a 3D drone survey of the site which was integrated with the topographical surveys of the existing roads to prepare a 3D surface which was used in the detail design.  A 3D visualisation of the scheme was created using Infraworks software and presented to stakeholders as part of the consultation exercise.

Lynas Engineers worked closely with Middlesbrough Council who were responsible for the design of traffic signals and road lighting to ensure that the scheme was successfully completed. A full tender package was produced including a highway specification and construction drawings was prepared including Traffic Management Phasing; Earthworks; Drainage; Pavements; Kerbing and Footways; Road Markings and Traffic Signs; and Culvert Works.

Upgrade a roundabout from three to four arm.
Improve non-motorised user facilities.
Incorporating sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to attenuate into existing watercourses.

Production of detail design drawings and construction package including specification.
Preparation of information for planning application.
Completion of scheme on time and on budget with a full partnership approach.

Lynas Engineers produced 3D visualisations that facilitated and assisted consultation with local stakeholders.

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